Some applications of synchrotron light to physics and chemistry
Adam P. Hitchcock and John J. Neville
Synchrotron light is an accelerator based light source that covers
the complete electromagnetic spectrum from infrared to hard X-ray. It is
intense, bright, fully tunable, highly polarized, and has a time structure
useful for many types of dynamics experiments. Aside from the visible,
near-IR and near-UV where lasers are generally superior, the properties
of synchrotron light far surpass those of available lab sources. The ~50
facilities world wide are used by up to 20,000 scientists annually, from
many disciplines, but researchers from physics and chemistry are the most
prevalent. This article outlines the general properties of synchrotron
light and describes some Canadian research in this area, using mainly examples
from our research. It also describes the Canadian Light source, a recently
funded 2.9 GeV facility that will enable Canadian scientists to contribute
more effectively in this arena. The future of synchrotron research in Canada
is bright indeed!